Events to advance advocacy, philanthropy and social connection
DuPage County Medical Society Physicians’ Lounge and White Coat Casual events foster collegiality and networking by bringing physicians together in activities that range from strictly social to those with an educational component. Society business is conducted in Committee and Board meetings which members are welcome to attend and observe.
January 8, DCMS Executive Committee and Governmental Affairs Committee Meetings
Monthly meetings of the Executive and Governmental Affairs Committees will be held online via Zoom. Invitations to follow. Executive Committee 4 pm, Governmental Affairs Committee 5 pm. -
February 12, Executive Committee Meeting
Monthly meeting of the Executive and Governmental Affairs Committees will be held online via Zoom. Executive Committee 4 pm. -
March 12, DCMS Executive Committee Meeting
Monthly meetings of the Executive Committee will be held online via Zoom. Executive Committee 4 pm and Governmental Affairs Committee Meeting at 5:00 pm.